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சுற்றறிக்கை இல. சுற்றறிக்கையின் பெயர் திகதி
02/2022(II) அரசாங்க சேவை ஆணைக்குழு சுற்றறிக்கை இலக்கம் : 02/2022 (II)... 2023-05-31
01/2023 Public Service Commission Circular No. 01/2023... 2023-03-29
02/2022(I) Public Service Commission Circular No. 02/2022(I)... 2023-02-02
03/2022 Instructions on the manner in which action should be taken on a promotion granted on a date in between the date of committing the offence and the date... 2022-10-13
02/2022 රාජ්‍ය සේවා කොමිෂන් සභාව පත්කිරීම් බලධරයා වන දීපව්‍යාප... 2022-09-15
01/2022 Appointment of Officers promoted to the Special Grade of the All-Island Services to the Special Grade Posts... 2022-02-28
02/2021 Granting grade promotion upon non-fulfillment of other official language proficiency... 2021-11-24
01/2021(i) Appointment of Officers promoted to the Special Grade of the All-Island Services to the Special Grade Posts... 2021-08-02
01/2021 ... 2021-06-30
01/2020 (II) Amending the provisions governing "The immediately preceding five (05) year period of satisfactory service" set out in the approved Schemes ... 2020-09-25